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Message: Re: Curb Ramps or Mats for Low Boxster

Changed By: jwdbox
Change Date: June 05, 2011 11:45PM

Re: Curb Ramps or Mats for Low Boxster
My son purchased a set of BRIDJIT 3 Piece Curb Ramp Set for his house in Seattle. It has a steep driveway meeting the street. The ramps work very well. They stay in place without having to be attached, allow for water and debris to flow. I think he got his from the manufacturer directly but I just checked and they are listed on Amazon. B)at Amazon and AutoSport. B)

Original Message

Author: jwdbox
Date: June 05, 2011 11:40PM

Re: Curb Ramps or Mats for Low Boxster
My son purchased a set of BRIDJIT 3 Piece Curb Ramp Set for his house in Seattle. It has a steep driveway meeting the street. The ramps work very well. They stay in place without having to be attached, allow for water and debris to flow. I think he got his from the manufacturer directly but I just checked and they are listed on Amazon. B)