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Message: Whatever sonic energy is transmitted through the car itself

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: June 08, 2011 04:42PM

Whatever sonic energy is transmitted through the car itselfwhile moving
is being contained/reflected/emitted by the hard top. The top itself might have more resonant energy in the frequencies the spl is reading, too. With the car moving, acoustic energy from the tires might be diffracting around the body and passing through the more sonically transparent soft top.
Changed By: Laz
Change Date: June 08, 2011 04:41PM

Whatever sonic energy is transmitted through the car itself while moving
is being contained/reflected /emitted by the hard top. The top itself might have more resonant energy in the frequencies the spl is reading, too. With the car moving, acoustic energy from the tires might be diffracting around the body and passing through the more sonically transparent soft top.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: June 08, 2011 04:37PM

Whatever sonic energy is transmitted through the car itself
is being contained/reflected by the hard top. The top itself might have more resonant energy in the frequencies the spl is reading, too. With the car moving, acoustic energy from the tires might be diffracting around the body and passing through the more sonically transparent soft top.