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Message: I concur on both counts ...

Changed By: Pedro (Odessa, FL)
Change Date: June 09, 2011 10:55AM

I concur on both counts ...
... the front engine mount will go after about 45,000 miles and will give you those clunks you describe.

The RMS leak, which is very common in those cars will appear as thick, black oil because it id is drying up by engine heat.
If it is an RMS leak, the oil droplets would appear like these (each photo is from a different M96 engine:


The worse case would be an IMS bearing leak which would look very similar, but generally has a foul odor to it.

If it's just the IMS seal, use a little heavier oil than what you're using now and that will help.
If it's the foul smelling oil... STOP the car and have the IMS bearing retrofitted.

In either case, to completely fix either one of the above, the transmission, clutch and flywheel must be removed, so there's quite a bit of labor cost involved.
Good luck.

Happy Boxstering,

Original Message

Author: Pedro (Odessa, FL)
Date: June 09, 2011 10:54AM

I concur on both counts ...
... the front engine mount will go after about 45,000 miles and will give you those clunks you describe.

The RMS leak, which is very common in those cars will appear as thick, black oil because it id drying up by engine heat.
If it is an RMS leak, the oil droplets would appear like these (each photo is from a different M96 engine:


The worse case would be an IMS bearing leak which would look very similar, but generally has a foul odor to it.

If it's just the IMS seal, use a little heavier oil than what you're using now and that will help.
If it's the foul smelling oil... STOP the car and have the IMS bearing retrofitted.

In either case, to completely fix either one of the above, the transmission, clutch and flywheel must be removed, so there's quite a bit of labor cost involved.
Good luck.

Happy Boxstering,