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Message: He's his cousin (dont recall the exact degree of seperation).

Changed By: grant
Change Date: June 17, 2011 08:34AM

He's his cousin (dont recall the exact degree of seperation).
but they probably are the two most "product centric" Major mfg execs in recent memory. Apparently there is in fact a car gene.

Very enjoyable interview though. I can always listen to Bob. He is the guy who coined the "ultimate driving machine" and polished that image after all.

For the record, he mentions Dilbert too. Scott was once a customer of mine. Speaks volumes about my employment environment, at least ages back :-)


Original Message

Author: grant
Date: June 17, 2011 08:19AM

He's his cousin (dont recall the exact degree of seperation).
but they probably are the two most "product centric" Major mfg execs in recent memory. Apparently there is in fact a car gene.
