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Message: IIRC the proper way to hold the flywheel is with a lock that has a tooth that fits into..

Changed By: MarcW
Change Date: June 19, 2011 03:19PM

IIRC the proper way to hold the flywheel is with a lock that has a tooth that fits into..
one of the teeth gaps in the flyweel with the lock body bolted to the engine block using one of the holes that is used to bolt the bellhousing to the engine block.

As you rightly note the pin would put too much strain on the pulley or more likely on the pin itself and shear it in two.

Update: For that 'tooth' read 'teeth'.... I looked through my Boxster shop manual and you want tool '9538/1' which gets secured with a M 12X50 bolt. There is a caution: Do not use the toothed segment to undo the belt pulley, use only the special tool 'holder 9593'.

A drawing shows the toothed segment bolted to the engine on on the 1-3 cylinder bank (the right hand bank when facing the back of the engine) and bolted down at not quite the '3' position.



Original Message

Author: MarcW
Date: June 19, 2011 03:06PM

IIRC the proper way to hold the flywheel is with a lock that has a tooth that fits into..
one of the teeth gaps in the flyweel with the lock body bolted to the engine block using one of the holes that is used to bolt the bellhousing to the engine block.

As you rightly note the pin would put too much strain on the pulley or more likely on the pin itself and shear it in two.

