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Message: The Metamorphosis....My Box is (almost) DONE!

Changed By: MauriceonLongIsland
Change Date: June 20, 2011 04:59PM

The Metamorphosis....My Box is (almost) DONE!
Finally finished some long-planned body mods/refreshing by painting and installing some of the parts I've been collecting over the last couple of years.

Thanks to Whall for the extra set of bumperettes, to Gundo for the always valued words of encouragement, to Steve (986RGT) for the RUF bumper guidance, to Boxtaboy for "design inspiration",, to Stefan for some "tweaks" on the fit of the bumpers, and to Larry (friend/client who owns a body shop in Bellmore, NY) for letting me use his paint booth on the weekends.

With patience and some experience over time, spraying parts is not that difficult, but it is definitely painstaking in the various prep stages. I primed all of the flexible parts with SpectraPrime color-family-matched primer to see how much of an improvement it might be on the usual rock chips that mar the front bumper. and parts of the front hood and fenders. 1651 miles to, at, and from BRBS don't so far seem to have had an effect, but it's still early to tell. The parts could not be waxed for protection because they still had not "cured" completely from the inside (the VOC's have to have to path to evaporate so that the lower layers are as chemically solid as the higher, closer to the surface, layers, including the color coats and clear coats.

I've got tons of photos of the process, but here are some before, during, and after photos:

It sure made BRBS that much more enjoyable!
I've got tons of photos of the process, but I will post some before, during, and after photos as soon as I can "develop" them...

I can tell you one thing without fear of contradiction...It sure made BRBS that much more enjoyable AND I'm already counting the days of the countdown to BRBS 2012... For those of you who have waited, or hoped, or had to deal with this or that...Make plans, get the necessary child care arrangements in place (i.e., whatever it takes) and get cracking!
You will not regret it...:D

Regards, Maurice.

Original Message

Author: MauriceonLongIsland
Date: June 20, 2011 04:54PM

The Metamorphosis....My Box is (almost) DONE!
Finally finished some long-planned body mods/refreshing by painting and installing some of the parts I've been collecting over the last couple of years.

Thanks to Whall for the extra set of bumperettes, to Gundo for the always valued words of encouragement, to Steve (986RGT) for the RUF bumper guidance, to Boxtaboy for "design inspiration",, to Stefan for some "tweaks" on the fit of the bumpers, and to Larry (friend/client who owns a body shop in Bellmore, NY) for letting me use his paint booth on the weekends.

With patience and some experience over time, spraying parts is not that difficult, but it is definitely painstaking in the various prep stages. I primed all of the flexible parts with SpectraPrime color-family-matched primer to see how much of an improvement it might be on the usual rock chips that mar the front bumper. and parts of the front hood and fenders. 1651 miles to, at, and from BRBS don't so far seem to have had an effect, but it's still early to tell. The parts could not be waxed for protection because they still had not "cured" completely from the inside (the VOC's have to have to path to evaporate so that the lower layers are as chemically solid as the higher, closer to the surface, layers, including the color coats and clear coats.

I've got tons of photos of the process, but here are some before, during, and after photos:

It sure made BRBS that much more enjoyable!