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Message: Years ago one could drive from midtown down 5th Avenue to Washington Square without one red light.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: June 22, 2011 06:42PM

Years ago one could drive from midtown down 5th Avenue to Washington Square without one red light.
I'd watch the lights progressively turning green blocks ahead. There was one uptown intersection that you could travel from at a certain steady speed, like 18 mph or something and it would work.

One other anectdote; a [i]circa[/i] 1972 news story actually: There was a guy in a 911 who led police on a chase all over Manhattan going the wrong way sometimes, going on sidewalks, and ramming two police cars. (Think less overhang and greater ground clearance in those days.) He supposedly went well over a hundred, too. When he was finally aprehended, he said, "What's all the fuss, officers?"
Changed By: Laz
Change Date: June 22, 2011 06:41PM

Years ago one could drive from midtown down 5th Avenue to Washington Square without one red light.
I'd watch the lights progressively turning green blocks ahead. There was one uptown intersection that you could travel from at a certain steady speed, like 18 mph or something and it would work.

One other anectdote; a [i]circa[/i] 1972 news story actually: There was a guy in a 911 who led police on a chase all over Manhattan going the wrong way sometimes, going on sidewalks, and ramming two police cars. (Think less overhang and greater ground clearance in those days.) He supposedly went well over a hundred, too. When he was finally aprehended, he said, "What's all the fuss, officers?"

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: June 22, 2011 06:39PM

Years ago one could drive from midtown down 5th Avenue to Washington Square without one red light.
I'd watch the lights progressively turning green blocks ahead. There was one uptown intersection that you could travel from at a certain steady speed, like 18 mph or something and it would work.

One other anectdote; a [i]circa[/i] 1972 news story actually: There was a guy in a 911 who led police on a chase all over Manhattan going the wrong way sometimes, going on sidewalks, and ramming two police cars. He supposedly went well over a hundred, too. When he was finally aprehended, he said, "What's all the fuss, officers?"