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Message: Very interesting.....

Changed By: Gary in SoFL
Change Date: June 24, 2011 11:13AM

Very interesting.....
So isn't it possiprobable that those possible non IMS engine failure points like an IMS tensioner paddle, an IMS drive chain, tensioner paddle wear surfaces and so on, which can "fail and appear to be the IMS bearing", tend to overstate the [i]easy diagnosis[/i] IMS failure rate to begin with?

Original Message

Author: Gary in SoFL
Date: June 24, 2011 11:11AM

Very interesting.....
So isn't it possible that those possible non IMS engine failure points like an IMS tensioner paddle, an IMS drive chain, tensioner paddle wear surfaces and so on, which can "fail and appear to be the IMS bearing", tend to overstate the easy IMS failure to begin with?