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Message: 911s will get a 7-speed manual. I've been monitoring to see if that applies to Caymans/Boxsters.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: June 28, 2011 11:25AM

911s will get a 7-speed manual. I've been monitoring to see if that applies to Caymans/Boxsters.
n/tI hope it doesn't. Ratios might get unnecessarily close in the first six, should they be changed at all. The overall lever movement is going to get ridiculously wide, unless the throws are made shorter, which might be problematical in itself with all those gear selections crammed in. It's not a performance behavior enhancement; strictly for mileage. Boxsters and Caymans won't have the same "oomph" to make a 7th gear useful unless the car is on level or downhill terrain.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: June 28, 2011 11:14AM

911s will get a 7-speed manual. I've been monitoring to see if that applies to Caymans/Boxsters.