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Message: NBC but amusing (some--VERY little--Porsche content (pictures))

Changed By: Leor ('09S, North of Boston)
Change Date: June 28, 2011 08:34PM

NBC but amusing (some--VERY little--Porsche content (pictures))

I follow this guy's blogs, and saw him speak in NY a few months back. He's a trip. Especially recommended is his piece on how he screwed Yasser Arafat out of $2M and lost $100M in the process, elsewhere on his blog...
Changed By: Leor ('09S, North of Boston)
Change Date: June 28, 2011 08:34PM

NBC but amusing (some--VERY little-Porsche content (pictures))

I follow this guy's blogs, and saw him speak in NY a few months back. He's a trip. Especially recommended is his piece on how he screwed Yasser Arafat out of $2M and lost $100M in the process, elsewhere on his blog...

Original Message

Author: Leor ('09S, North of Boston)
Date: June 28, 2011 08:33PM

NBC but amusing (some--VERY little-Porsche content (pictures)

I follow this guy's blogs, and saw him speak in NY a few months back. He's a trip. Especially recommended is his piece on how he screwed Yasser Arafat out of $2M and lost $100M in the process, elsewhere on his blog...