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Message: Thanks for the comments

Changed By: Trygve (San Francisco, CA)
Change Date: June 30, 2011 12:14AM

Thanks for the comments
Thanks so much for the input, much appreciated.

db997s: The 3.4 idea is out because I want to have a Spec engine (2.5L stock).

jg atl: Believe me, all of those questions have been part of the equation rolling around in my head for the last couple of years, and I am comfortable with the path I have finally chosen (Spec Boxster) to expand my existing racing habit just a little bit. I've been racing for 10 years but at a much less intensive level than you did with your FF, the cost and effort is nothing compared to what you describe. It will go up a notch but not much to start. Only this engine problem has thrown the next step of the conversion into question. The engine repair cost question matters because it seems like the options range from $5000 to $17000, which is a massive difference and worth asking about.

Pedro: I will give you a call to discuss, I like the sound of that. You are the man with the answers!

Boxsterra: I was under the impression via comments from various people and mechanics that the M96 engines are sort of "throw-away" because the cost of rebuild gets close to cost of factory reman. Now, I also hear that the factory engine prices have skyrocketed for various reasons, so maybe rebuild is a good option after all. Not sure who even has experience doing that on the M96. I don't really have hard numbers for much of this yet, which is why I'm asking. I think Flat 6 (not LN) has a program where they find and recondition a still-good used engine (not like mine) -- they show such a 3.2S engine now for $9900, so I presume a 2.5 is less, which [i]might[/i] be appealing compared to a total unknown local junkyard engine at half cost.

Bob: Saw Alden's post, good to hear! (He's so tall that a race seat bolted to the floor is probably the only way he can sit comfortably in a Boxster....)

In any case, I should dyno the car as is, so I can regale my competitors with excuses for why my lap times have not been up to par lately. B)

Original Message

Author: Trygve (San Francisco, CA)
Date: June 30, 2011 12:10AM

Thanks for the comments
Thanks so much for the input, much appreciated.

db997s: The 3.4 idea is out because I want to have a Spec engine (2.5L stock).

jg atl: Believe me, all of those questions have been part of the equation rolling around in my head for the last couple of years, and I am comfortable with the path I have finally chosen (Spec Boxster) to expand my existing racing habit just a little bit. I've been racing for 10 years but at a much less intensive level than you did with your FF, the cost and effort is nothing compared to what you describe. It will go up a notch but not much to start. Only this engine problem has thrown the next step of the conversion into question. The engine repair cost question matters because it seems like the options range from $5000 to $17000, which is a massive difference and worth asking about.

Pedro: I will give you a call to discuss, I like the sound of that. You are the man with the answers!

Boxsterra: I was under the impression via comments from various people and mechanics that the M96 engines are sort of "throw-away" because the cost of rebuild gets close to cost of factory reman. Now, I also hear that the factory engine prices have skyrocketed for various reasons, so maybe rebuild is a good option after all. Not sure who even has experience doing that on the M96. I don't really have hard numbers for much of this yet, which is why I'm asking. I think Flat 6 (not LN) has a program where they find and recondition a still-good used engine (not like mine) -- they show such a 3.2S engine now for $9900, so I presume a 2.5 is less, which [i]might[/i] be appealing compared to a total unknown local junkyard engine at half cost.

In any case, I should dyno the car as is, so I can regale my competitors with excuses for why my lap times have not been up to par lately. B)