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Message: I'm glad that in California it's the other way around ...

Changed By: Pedro (Odessa, FL)
Change Date: July 03, 2011 10:16PM

I'm glad that in California it's the other way around ...
... but not everywhere else that I've had experience in.
Very few of the experienced "old" techs remain at the dealerships.
That's because they go off o their own (and become independents) or they get hired by race shops.
Porsche, as other manufacturers trains their techs, but repairing damaged parts is not top on their lists, not even in California.
I wasn't saying that they don't know (or get trained on) OBD-II diagnostics, I'm saying that they don't get trained on diagnostics at the parts level.
They get trained to understand the PIWIS computer and then REPLACE, not REPAIR the affected part or system.
Happy Boxstering,

Original Message

Author: Pedro (Odessa, FL)
Date: July 03, 2011 10:09PM

I'm glad that in California it's the other way around ...
... but not everywhere else that I've had experience in.
Very few of the experienced "old" techs remain at the dealerships.
That's because they go off o their own (and become independents) or they get hired by race shops.
Porsche, as other manufacturers trains their techs, but repairing damaged parts is not top on their lists, not even in California.
Happy Boxstering,