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Message: I don't agree with those instructions...

Changed By: Pedro (Odessa, FL)
Change Date: July 07, 2011 06:21PM

I don't agree with those instructions...
... you are going to bend the seam and worst case your car can fall off the jack.
You should ONLY put a jack under one of the four jacking points which are structurally made for this.

The best way to put a car on 2 stands on the rear is:
Place the jack under the right front jacking point and lift until you can place a jackstand under the right rear jacking point.
Do the same on the left side of the car.
You now have the rear of the car securely on jackstands.

The best way to put a car on 2 stands on the front is:
Place the jack under the right rear jacking point and lift until you can place a jackstand under the right front jacking point.
Do the same on the left side of the car.
You now have the front of the car securely on 4 jackstands

The best way to put a car on 4 stands is:
Place the jack under the right rear jacking point and lift until you can place a jackstand under the right front jacking point.
Do the same on the left side of the car.
From behind the car, place the jack between the two rearmost bolts on the aluminum skid plate and lift the rear end until you can place the remaining jackstands on the rear jacking points.
You now have the rear of the car securely on 4 jackstands.

Happy Boxstering,

Original Message

Author: Pedro (Odessa, FL)
Date: July 07, 2011 03:28PM

I don't agree with those instructions...
... you are going to bend the seam and worst case your car can fall off the jack.
You should ONLY put a jack under one of the four jacking points which are structurally made for this.

The best way to put a car on 2 stands on the rear is:
Place the jack under the right front jacking point and lift until you can place a jackstand under the right rear jacking point.
Do the same on the left side of the car.
You now have the rear of the car securely on jackstands.

The best way to put a car on 2 stands on the front is:
Place the jack under the right rear jacking point and lift until you can place a jackstand under the right front jacking point.
Do the same on the left side of the car.
You now have the front of the car securely on jackstands

The best way to put a car on 4 stands is:
Place the jack under the right rear jacking point and lift until you can place a jackstand under the right front jacking point.
Do the same on the left side of the car.
From behind the car, place the jack between the two rearmost bolts on the aluminum skid plate and lift the rear end until you can place the remaining jackstands on the rear jacking points.
You now have the rear of the car securely on 4 jackstands.

Happy Boxstering,