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Message: Sounds like he's simply being honest...

Changed By: Leor ('09S, North of Boston)
Change Date: December 03, 2010 06:03PM

Sounds like he's simply being honest...
I think people who buy Porsches mostly understand the concept and value of "a drivers' car", and the message I get from his selection of the Cayman is simply that what's important to him personally is the POE ("(Purity of Essence") ) of the Porsche experience, and that can arguably be best realized with something like the Cayman R.

Those who want a 911 or a Panamera or a Pepper know why the want it, and the fact some suit prefers the Cayman is not likely to result in a down-sell for those customers, IMO. If anything, the entire episode seems to be designed to empower each individual to choose the car that best matches his/her personality, and critics of that option can go take a hike. I think it's refreshing.

Original Message

Author: Leor ('09S, North of Boston)
Date: December 03, 2010 06:02PM

Sounds like he's simply being honest...
I think people who buy Porsches mostly understand the concept and value of "a drivers' car", and the message I get from his selection of the Cayman is simply that what's important to him personally is the POE ("Purity of Essence") of the Porsche experience, and that can arguably be best realized with something like the Cayman R.

Those who want a 911 or a Panamera or a Pepper know why the want it, and the fact some suit prefers the Cayman is not likely to result in a down-sell for those customers, IMO. If anything, the entire episode seems to be designed to empower each individual to choose the car that best matches his/her personality, and critics of that option can go take a hike. I think it's refreshing.