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Message: NBC: My 1st trip to Harbor Freight

Changed By: Petee_C
Change Date: July 26, 2011 02:30PM

NBC: My 1st trip to Harbor Freight
Yes, I live a sheltered Canadian life.

On the weekend, I hope to take my 1st steps into the great American/Chinese institution that is known as Harbor Freight, (I am American by birth, of Chinese parents, with a Cdn/US citizenship).

Any jems that PB's can recommend?

I am going to look in the back of my Motorcyclist and Car&Driver mags for 20% off coupons.

On my short list of items to pick up:

13pc 1/2" SAE Deep impact sockets - $20
3/8" steel ratchet - $12
3/8" composite ratchet - $9
Gas regulator for MIG - $30

maybe the 1" SDS Rotary Drill (unless I get my holes for the maxjax done before then....)

Original Message

Author: Petee_C
Date: July 26, 2011 02:25PM

NBC: My 1st trip to Harbor Freight
Yes, I live a sheltered Canadian life.

On the weekend, I hope to take my 1st steps into the great American/Chinese institution that is known as Harbor Freight, (I am American by birth, of Chinese parents, with a Cdn/US citizenship).

Any jems that PB's can recommend?

I am going to look in the back of my Motorcyclist and Car&Driver mags for 20% off coupons.

On my short list of items to pick up:

13pc 1/2" SAE Deep impact sockets - $20
3/8" steel ratchet - $12
3/8" composite ratchet - $9

maybe the 1" SDS Rotary Drill (unless I get my holes for the maxjax done before then....)