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Message: Great livery steal

Changed By: TheFarmer
Change Date: July 27, 2011 09:05PM

Great livery steal
I can see the heritage! We all have to lead the way toward a new aesthetic!

On the other hand, I can't wait for the concept. If anyone is going to do electric right, I will expect Porsche to be at the head of the class, and the Boxster to be the best bet for development (but can I get on the waiting list for a 551E?)

Just remember - no IMS, no DFI, no HPFP.

Original Message

Author: TheFarmer
Date: July 27, 2011 09:04PM

Great livery steal
I can see the heritage! We all have to lead the way toward a new aesthetic!

On the other hand, I can't wait for the concept. If anyone is going to do electric right, I will expect Porsche to be at the head of the class, and the Boxster to be the best bet for development (but can I get on the waiting list for a 551E?)