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Message: There is an enormous difference in alignments

Changed By: Pedro (Odessa, FL)
Change Date: July 29, 2011 04:55PM

There is an enormous difference in alignments
done by someone who only understands that he has to get the numbers in spec and someone who understands what settings at one end of the spec do versus settings at the other end...both approved by Porsche specs.

To see how the specs provide a range of settings, a sample table is at http://sites.google.com/site/mikefocke2/buyingtiresforaboxster..probably taken from an owner's manual. My setup was done by someone who set op Porsches for racing and who had many many much higher performance P-cars than mine in the shop. I told him/discussed with him what I wanted from the car partially based on the tires that were on it when I bought it. The car's alignment was never touched after that in 5 years. Tires wearing evenly and traction fine said to me why fool with success.

Original Message

Author: mikefocke, '01S Sanford, NC
Date: July 29, 2011 04:06PM

There is an enormous difference in alignments
done by someone who only understands that he has to get the numbers in spec and someone who understands what settings at one end of the spec do versus settings at the other end...both approved by Porsche specs.

To see how the specs provide a range of settings, a sample table is at http://sites.google.com/site/mikefocke2/buyingtiresforaboxster..probably taken from an owner's manual. My setup was done by someone who set op Porsches for racing and who had many many much higher performance P-cars than mine in the shop. I told him/discussed with him what I wanted from the car partially based on the tires that were on it when I bought it. The car's alignment was never touched after that in 5 years. Tires wearing evenly and traction fine said to me why fool with success.