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Message: Boxster pizza and beer transport

Changed By: Guenter in Ontario
Change Date: August 02, 2011 01:25PM

Boxster pizza and beer transport
On the way down to Mosport this weekend, I decided to try check out trunk temperatures in the Boxster. I placed one thermometer into the front trunk and another into the back.

In a previous discussion, it was suggested that the rear trunk would be cooler because of the vents it has, where there are none in the front.

I had a small cooler and blanket in the front trunk. I placed the thermometer on the opposite side of the trunk from the cooler.

Rear trunk had a couple of folding chairs and jackets. Nothing that would stop any air circulation.

During this drive, it was sunny, we were headed west, late afternoon with the sun shining directly on the front trunk.

First 60 miles was Interstate style driving, followed by some stop and go. We made a stop and I checked both trunk temperatures.

Later, after 60 miles of straight highway driving, on reaching home, I made the second check.

Here were my findings.


So, my beer still goes in the front and my pizza in the back.

Original Message

Author: Guenter in Ontario
Date: August 02, 2011 01:24PM

Boxster pizza and beer transport
On the way down to Mosport this weekend, I decided to try check out trunk temperatures in the Boxster. I placed one thermometer into the front trunk and another into the back.

In a previous discussion, it was suggested that the rear trunk would be cooler because of the vents it has, where there are none in the front.

I had a small cooler and blanket in the front trunk. I placed the thermometer on the opposite side of the trunk from the cooler.

Rear trunk had a couple of folding chairs and jackets. Nothing that would stop any air circulation.

During this drive, it was sunny, we were headed west, late afternoon with the sun shining directly on the front trunk.

First 60 miles was Interstate style driving, followed by some stop and go. We made a stop and I checked both trunk temperatures.

Later, after 60 miles of straight highway driving, on reaching home, I made the second check.

Here were my findings.


So, my beer still goes in the front and my pizza in the back.