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Message: My Rand McNally Road Atlas doesn't indicate many 'scenic' roads from Pearland to Kerrville...

Changed By: MarcW
Change Date: August 03, 2011 07:58PM

My Rand McNally Road Atlas doesn't indicate many 'scenic' roads from Pearland to Kerrville...
Sorry, I missed Houston as the starting point. Well, still much of what I suggest below I think still applies. Or you could drive to Pearland and then start for Kerrville!

About all I could advise would be to pick up a current road atlas for your area and plot a route that avoids freeways (like I-10 and avoids major cities like San Antonio or Austin. Maybe head up to Jersey Village, then over to Hempstead, and on to Bellville, La Grange, Bastro, and just south of Austin to Dripping Springs (what a name!), Johnson City, Stonewall, Fredricksburg then down to Kerrville.

Or you could go a bit further north west of Austin or even south and west of Austin and take any number of roads over. Just depends upon how indirect route you want to drive.

I've never been down to Kerrvile (I did drive west on 290 from Fredricksburg to I-10 though). However, I am pretty sure I've been on the road from Fredricksburg to Austin where I caught I-35 north but I do not recall much about the road. It must not have been too bad though. However, I was in a hurry to get from Fredricksburg to I-35 and north to visit my parents in MO so I was more interested in a good fast road vs. a scenic road.

No matter which route you take have a safe journey!



Original Message

Author: MarcW
Date: August 03, 2011 07:56PM

My Rand McNally Road Atlas doesn't indicate many 'scenic' roads from Pearland to Kerrville...
About all I could advise would be to pick up a current road atlas for your area and plot a route that avoids freeways (like I-10 and avoids major cities like San Antonio or Austin. Maybe head up to Jersey Village, then over to Hempstead, and on to Bellville, La Grange, Bastro, and just south of Austin to Dripping Springs (what a name!), Johnson City, Stonewall, Fredricksburg then down to Kerrville.

Or you could go a bit further north west of Austin or even south and west of Austin and take any number of roads over. Just depends upon how indirect route you want to drive.

I've never been down to Kerrvile (I did drive west on 290 from Fredricksburg to I-10 though). However, I am pretty sure I've been on the road from Fredricksburg to Austin where I caught I-35 north but I do not recall much about the road. It must not have been too bad though. However, I was in a hurry to get from Fredricksburg to I-35 and north to visit my parents in MO so I was more interested in a good fast road vs. a scenic road.

No matter which route you take have a safe journey!

