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Message: IWireP for IPhone 4

Changed By: SPG356
Change Date: August 06, 2011 11:44AM

IWireP for IPhone 4

Does anyone know if Jeremy at IWireP make his cable for an IPhone 4/CDR220 that plays AND charges?

I have left two messages with him and not heard back, so either he is busy, or the answer is "no" and he is tired of all the inquireies about it!!

Does anyone know one way or the other for sure??

If he does not make one yet, then I need to move on to plan B.



Original Message

Author: SPG356
Date: August 06, 2011 11:43AM

IWireP for IPhone 4

Does anyone know if Jeremy at IWireP make his cable for an IPhone 4/CDR220 that plays AND charges?

I have left two messages with him and not heard back, so either he is busy, or the answer is "no" and he is tired of all the inquireies about it!!

Does anyone know one way or the other for sure??

If he does not make one yet, then I need to move on to plan B.

