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Message: Where to find replacement front bumper cover?

Changed By: catalogguy
Change Date: August 07, 2011 06:41PM

Where to find replacement front bumper cover?
Hi All,

Boy this place sure looks different! I even had to recreate my user account. Pedro, sounds like you're the man we thank for keeping the "Boxster Board" in business - thanks!!

Recently, while backing out of a parking space, the front nose came completely off the car. The parking block was not unusually large, nor was I deeply planted on it, so I am guessing the mounts had just become so weak from hitting the driveway that it was ready to go.

I don't think I can remount this spoiler because of the damage. The mounting ears that fasten near the wheel well corners have been completely broken off the spoiler and remain attached to the car. I would like to make it usable if possible, but no idea how. If there is a way to remount it, I would like to know!

If replacement is inevitable, what's the preferred way to do it? I recall some years ago it was easy to find a gently used bumper cover on ebay. People were replacing Boxster stock with 996 and GT3 styles. But now there are a few after market options are pricey, and few factory original pieces. The car is a black 2000 986S. Does anyone recall what years of 996 would be compatible? Or have any other ideas? Very open to suggestions! Thanks


Original Message

Author: catalogguy
Date: August 07, 2011 06:40PM

Where to find replacement front bumper cover?
Hi All,

Boy this place sure looks different! I even had to recreate my user account. Pedro, sounds like you're the man we thank for keeping the "Boxster Board" in business - thanks!!

Recently, while backing out of a parking space, the front nose came completely off the car. The parking block was not unusually large, nor was I deeply planted on it, so I am guessing the mounts had just become so weak from hitting the driveway that it was ready to go.

I don't think I can remount this spoiler because of the damage. The mounting ears that fasten near the wheel well corners have been completely broken off the spoiler and remain attached to the car. I would like to make it usable if possible, but no idea how. If there is a way to remount it, I would like to know!

If replacement is inevitable, what's the preferred way to do it? I recall some years ago it was easy to find a gently used bumper cover on ebay. People were replacing Boxster stock with 996 and GT3 styles. But now there are a few after market options are pricey, and few factory original pieces. The car is a black 2000 986S. Does anyone recall what years of 996 would be compatible? Or have any other ideas? Very open to suggestions! Thanks