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The car still needs an alignment, but that will be done in a couple days. Lets get down to the brass tax, the tires have an increased comfort level over the PS2's, reduced noise level, and seemingly better road feel which is pleasantly surprising. Having said that, these are not track, or high speed tires, IE driving the car at 9/10ths of it's ability. For the occasional spirited drive and commuting, they seem to do the task quite well, but time will tell. Insight, and a more detailed experience will come after the alignment.
Since the car is 10 years old, with almost 60k on it, I thought the dice were being rolled one too many times on the coolant reservoir. Sunset had/has a sale($208.13) going on them, so it seemed like a good time to install a new one. I'll post pics when the DIY is under way.
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