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tiptronic transmission fluid change
Keithb11 - Thursday, 2 June, 2011, at 1:53:46 pm
Hello I have a 2000 Boxster with 55k miles located in Denver, CO .

After new motor mount installed my transmission seems to shift a little ruff. My question will a fluid change help? should I do the full service including filter change? Price is just under $400 for the full service that includes filter, pan gasket and fluids or $325 for just fluid change. for under $75 it seems like a better deal to drop the pan and changer the filter.
has the wrong mount installed, the right mount installed incorrectly, transmission misaligned, the linkage misaligned, the linkage got bent or something. I would not suspect the fluid.

A 2000 Boxster with 55K miles is a good candidate for a Tip fluild/filter service imho but I'm not sure I'd do it right now. I'd be afraid it would cloud the issue of why the transmission's shifting suddenly changed.

I think you need to determine if the motor mount job is the contributing factor the transmission's shifting behavior. Once you get that sorted out, then a fluid/filter change would be a good thing.


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