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NPC: Today's NY Times has an article about Dyno car apps
db997S - Thursday, 20 October, 2011, at 9:46:08 am
Sorry, can't post since it's a subscription on-line site. I have no affiliation with any of these items, but they are supposedly like Dyno testing to regsiter horsepower, speed, braking and other items. Thought some on the board maybe interested. Won't be disappointed if this gets deleted.

Dynolicious ($13) for the i-Phone
Bosch Light 'Em Up Dyno ($5, but has adversting) for the i-Phine
There is some calibrating to do with the above (car weight and drive train loss)

Android has apps, but supposedly not as good, according to the article:

aDyno ($4.80 or free with adversting)
Dynomaster ($5)
RaceDroid (Free)
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