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"Delta Adds Porsche Car Pick-up for Some Atlanta VIPs" (NBC)
frogster - Saturday, 5 November, 2011, at 3:08:48 pm
i thought it was interesting that Porsche would give Delta cars to use for this service. I would assume that they would be Cayennes and Panameras. I can't see using a 911 or boxster for that type of service. Guess they're hoping that some high value customer will think "hey, this is a nice car" and then go out and buy one. But how much would it cost porsche to do this?

Delta Adds Porsche Car Pick-up for Some Atlanta VIPs

MY 2000 S, Ocean Blue, Metropol Blue, Savanah Beige.
Bought June 2000 - Sold May 2010
typically have large budgets.


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