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Another 981 review
Lawdevil & CURVN8R - Saturday, 19 May, 2012, at 1:54:11 pm
thumbs upthumbs upRe: Another 981 review
jwdbox - Saturday, 19 May, 2012, at 2:38:16 pm
By George I think he likes it cool smiley
I noticed the windshield reflection right away, and it's one reason why I went with a darker interior. There may be a two-tone combination that provides a dark dashboard top. The exhaust sounded like what I imagine the standard one would, but then the spitting and crackling indicates otherwise.
I recall owning a VW Jetta
mikefocke, '01S Sanford, NC - Saturday, 19 May, 2012, at 8:43:05 pm
where the top of the dash was a dull black while the rest of the dash was tan color. Didn't like the look much but it sure was practical as the dull black gave no reflections.
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