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John B in SC - Friday, 15 June, 2012, at 2:14:40 pm
Yeah, that's the sound I heard when lifting the center console lid on the old '99 Boxster. Knew right away I had broken the latch. Ordered the upgraded parts and found a DIY for replacing one on a 996.

Quick question for those that have already replaced theirs.

Can this repair be done on the Boxster without removing the entire center console? On the 996 it looks like you can get it done with everything left in place as you have some access to the back side of the console. On the Boxster it looks like it's too tight against the firewall.

Not a problem to remove it as I've taken it out before to install a short shift kit and to replace the convertible top micro switch. Just trying to save a little time.

See my other pastime at www.gothamcityracing.net
I think you have to remove the console
Boxsterra - Friday, 15 June, 2012, at 2:59:10 pm
but even if you didn't, it's much easier if you do. I'm not sure you would be able to get the rivet gun at the right angle without removing the console. The upgraded hinge is 1000% better than the original.
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