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Products for your Boxster, Cayman and Carrera.
An economist wrote an op-ed yesterday in the WSJ that devaluation of the Euro would greatly help Europe by helping exports. If that reduces the price of a Boxster I'm all for it! We seems that we in the US for reasons that I don't understand already enjoy favorable pricing compared with other countries, but hey, knock a few more bucks off and the new Boxster looks that much better smiling smiley

1999 Arctic Sivler/black/black (sold)
2008s Silver/black/black - so predictable
2011 Outback
8/24/2011 first Grandson
I wouldn't count on it. Porsche has done yoman's work on hedging of currency to protect itself on the upswings and downswings. That's another way it has remained the most profitable auto company in the world.
And here I thought it was by
Boxsterra - Friday, 29 June, 2012, at 7:16:08 pm
short-selling its partners' stock
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