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Love Porsche Brakes
db997S - Friday, 31 August, 2012, at 8:39:37 am
Had to use them today to avoid an idiot in an Urban Assault Vehicle (aka, SUV). Don't know how some people can afford these luxo SUVs because generally they are idiots. Mr. 15Watt bulb decided at the last minute, while doing about 30 mph in heavy traffic, to turn left from the right hand lane while I was occupying said lane. Missed him by that much (insert picture of Maxwell Smart holding up his hand with thumb and index finger about an inch apart). Major ABS action going on on my part, don't even think I saw his brake lights light up. I know lots of people speak poorly of how all the electronics and such in cars kill the enjoyment, well, there isn't much enjoyment to hearing a crunch and being without your ride for two weeks while it is at the body shop. Yes, they fix it up all purdy but you will always know what's really behind that new, shinny paint. I do love the older cars, but once you look closely and see what little in the way of saftey items they have, no thank you.
Glad it's all ok. Nice writing style, too. *NM*
Laz - Friday, 31 August, 2012, at 9:01:18 am
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