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Perhaps the mesh has a similar effect, but the TechNoWind diminishes the "beat-tone" buffeting when the top is up and only one window is open. The TNW might be attenuating the air circulation in the cabin in much the same way that it functions with the top down. It also vibrates at a frequency that seems to be akin to the beat-tone. (Not engine or suspension dependent, and not audible; only visual.) This vibration might be damping the buffeting by generating some sort of out of phase pressure oscillation/hysteresis effect. Also, some of the cabin wind is passing through the gap between the TNW and the roof; its energy being dissipated in the space back there. Perhaps it also changes the way the top flexes, too.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/20/2012 01:21AM by Laz. (view changes)
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