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Oh well, it was too good to last... (airbag issue returns)
grant - Saturday, 30 March, 2013, at 6:59:33 pm
Well, you may recall i had an airbag system failure some time ago, Porsche code 41, not the easy seatbelt one.

I took the steering column apart, removed clock-spring, inspected, cleaned everything, re-assembled, and after reset with PST2 clone, all was well.

Until this morning. Light back on. I guess i need to replace the clock-spring after all. I did buy a used one from a salvage yard.

Any thoughts or advice. I certainly am getting good and fast about taking this apart. Practice makes less imperfect.



Anyway, i put the new (used) clock-spring in.
grant - Sunday, 31 March, 2013, at 2:08:59 pm
Interestingly, it came with the face in a different orientation to the back than my original did. In effect it was rotated 180 degrees.

This created an issue. One set of wires comes out the back and MUST go over the top of the column. Another set comes out the front and MUST also be on the top, in order to fit through the hole cast into the steering wheel's metal hub. But this one was oriented for the front wires to come out at the bottom.

so..... despite the confusing instructions on the face, it simply released the metal spring clip and rotated the face 180 degrees counter-clockwise, releasing tension on the wound ribbon cable ( i think) so that the new matched the old, and put it back together. So far so good.

I wont know any more until i get access to a OBD2 box that can reset the Airbag light.



It's no issue to rotate the face
Boxsterra - Sunday, 31 March, 2013, at 5:06:00 pm
That is what is happening when the steering wheel is rotating anyway.
I figured that.
grant - Sunday, 31 March, 2013, at 8:09:00 pm
And now i have disassembled it to see exactly how it works. As suspected its simply two rotating halves of a tuna can, with one end of a ribbon cable connected to each. I have not adequately toned out the ribbon wires yet. The two to the yellow airbag connector seem to be shorted together. One theory is that they are in fact redundant and in parallel. Which then leads me to believe that maybe the CS is not my problem..... horror.

Maybe watch this space. Maybe save your effort :-)




Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/31/2013 08:09PM by grant. (view changes)
Now its the normal code 21 passenger seat belt buckle issue. Total coincidence. Who have thought?

This also correlates with the fact that i took the old clock-spring apart and:

1. inspected it
2. measured it

And found.... nothing wrong and not much difference between old and well, less old (aside from a small impedance difference longitudinally).

So now i need a seat belt buckle.

And a durametric.



Roger987 - Tuesday, 2 April, 2013, at 9:25:12 pm
Your persistence paid off.

You won't regret buying the Durametric. I use mine only occasionally, but that's enough.
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