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Pollen removal
Bobtesa - Sunday, 21 April, 2013, at 9:13:11 am
I washed my car a few days ago only to find, no surprise, that it was painted with pollen a day or two later. I didn't want to wash it again (a rather detailed, no pun intended, ritual for me), so I used a quick detailer only to end up if a clean car that had a green tinged roof. Hmmm, what do do? I thought of using my lint roller which works great on the top, but decided to try vacuuming it off. It worked like a charm. I also vacuumed all of the glass and it worked just as well on those surfaces. End result was getting my washed car returned to me. I'm sure others have thought of this, but if you haven't, give it a shot.
Re: Pollen --- and dust removal
Guenter in Ontario - Sunday, 21 April, 2013, at 11:03:10 am
I've done that all along with my Boxster. If I haven't been caught in rain (and my car is garaged overnight), the only dirt that normally gets onto the roof is dust. I don't see any point in washing that off. Just use the soft brush attachment on the vaccuum cleaner and you're done with the roof.
Re: Pollen removal
Lawdevil & CURVN8R - Sunday, 21 April, 2013, at 11:14:43 am
I use a "California Duster" from Autogeek. Works very well for dust or pollen on hard surfaces. Not great for top - leaves a bunch of lint.
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