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I have a set for my C2S and had the set for my Boxster 2000 S and they had virtually no value to me. They seem to have some techie stuff but never enough to do any real work on the car.

Bruce in Philly
More fun for cereal box reading info junkies! *NM*
Laz - Tuesday, 20 August, 2013, at 4:34:23 pm
Service Advisor Training IMNSHO
mikefocke, '01S Sanford, NC - Tuesday, 20 August, 2013, at 5:49:34 pm
To allow them to appear knowledgeable. Not bad overview IIRC as I once had one and quickly read it.

Remember Porsche sells to dealers, not us. So they maximize the dealers profits from service. They don't really want you working on the cars. They aren't going to give you service manuals or access to special tools.
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