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Durametric Group Buy
Phred - Friday, 4 October, 2013, at 9:15:44 am
A group buy is underway on the Rennlist Racing Board

So far everyone is going for the Pro version. I have a 986 and don't see the extra value over the Enthusiast version. If anyone else is interested in the Enthusiast version, please join the buy. Savings are 20% over normal pricing.

You can learn more about the product at the Durametric website with a list of features and pricing

The deal closes this Monday, Oct. 7.

Thanks for reading.
Ok, why would I do this? My car is not a track rat. And???


#1 - I am a geek. Not so nerdy, but a geek. There is something about this that intrigues me like the washing machine a took apart when I was a kid...never put it back... mom was pissed.
#2 - Reset the service reminder. I am now doing my own basic maintenance but only need the Enthusiast kit to do this, I am buying the Pro version, but see #1 above.
#3 - I want to dick around with some of the car features. This is only available with the Pro version. I suspect I will get into trouble and have to go to the dealer to fix it, but see #1 above.
#4 - I want to to do light maintenance and need to know codes and some car parameters to diagnose. Do I know what I am doing? No, of course I don't but I have the power of the whole internet behind me and that makes me a master mechanic! I also got a new set of cool ratchet wrenches from Harbor Freight and need a project.

Bruce in Philly

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/04/2013 01:49PM by Bruce In Philly (2000 S Boxster, now '09 C2S). (view changes)
Re: I am going to order one.....
db997S - Friday, 4 October, 2013, at 2:11:15 pm
Bruce, don't ever become a meth-head. You sound like you'd become a teaker extrodonaire. They love to take mechanical things apart and never put them back together.
Group Buy Final Update
Phred - Monday, 7 October, 2013, at 7:55:07 pm
I am now handling the group purchase for the Enthusiast version of the Durametric software. I am asking for commitments by end of day this Wednesday, October 9. That way I should be able to ship by Thursday or Friday of this week. (Since I live in Bend where Durametric is located, I'll just pick everything up from their shop.)

I spoke to Durametric and confirmed that:
1) They should have everything in stock, and
2) for the 986 the only additional capability that the Pro has vs. the Enthusiast is the ability to turn cruise control on and off. Since I don't have cruise control, I don't care about that!

The total price for Enthusiast Option 1 (after the 20% discount plus PayPal fees but excluding shipping) comes to $236.56. If someone wants a different option, just let me know. A couple of people on the Rennlist Racing Board missed the Pro version group buy and may join this purchase, so we probably are not limited to the Enthusiast version.

The Enthusiast package weighs about 1 pound and I will ship via my commercial UPS account at actual cost. That way I can email a tracking number. If you can provide your address (PM me here or email me via linthicum at bendcable dot com), I'll figure out the shipping amount and give you a final total. I'll then give you a PayPal address to use for payment.

Please let me know if you have any concerns or questions, or would like to participate in this order.
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