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Warning light comes on quite often now. Spoiler goes up ok and down ok under automatic or manual control. Under automatic control I can't -- don't want to bother using a mirror -- watch it go up or down, but when I stop the car and the light is on and invariably the spoiler is up it looks to be deployed ok. When it goes down by itself or I lower it manually it always returns to a correct non-deployed position.

As near as I can tell when working raising/lowering it manually the spoiler hardware doesn't sound like it is under any distress.

I'd raise it manually and leave it up but it looks so gross to my mind's eye to have it up at any time speed doesn't warrant it being up. If I can raise the spoiler and drive around town can driving my car with its fog lights on in clear weather conditions be that far away?

(Might mention not more than a couple of months ago the spoiler on the 996 gave up the ghost. You don't want to know what it cost to put that right... Fingers crossed the Boxster spoiler is not anywhere near as expensive!)
Something hanging from the rear view mirrorsmiling smiley
If its not under an y distress...
grant - Friday, 11 October, 2013, at 10:48:29 pm
then i hoep the expensive bits are OK. You might look into the circuitry that puts it up at what, 75 and down at 50. Might be cheap.

I always fear the rams.....if they are misaligned the stress could ruin them quickly. Or so i imagined when removing my bumper to install a tow ball.



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