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tiptronic torque converter
kdm'sboxster - Friday, 1 November, 2013, at 5:01:14 pm
My 99boxster tiptronic front seal let go .after removing the transmission I pulled the torque converter with the seal ,the triangle plate thing(Sorry not sure what its called and a bushing.I took it to the Porsche shop and they used a puller to get the bushing off and reinstalled back into the Tran along with a new seal. I put the trans back in and found I couldn't turn the motor over to put the bolts back in to connect the flex plate to torque converter. So I pulled the trans back out.I measured the flex plate and found the torque converter sticks out 3/8of an inch to much. Help
Re: tiptronic torque converter
kdm'sboxster - Friday, 1 November, 2013, at 6:48:55 pm
Hi just to clarify, it is the sealing ring,mounting-face ring,and a bushing that was on the torque converter, when I first pulled it from the transmission. The only thing I can think of is the bushing that was stuck on the T/C is not allowing the T/C to go all the way back. So I guess what I am asking is there a trick to reinstall the T/C ,or do I need a new bushing or T/C thanks
to put your questions to one of the techs, senior techs, one with a gold badge rating. Bring good pics of the items you have questions about.

Or seek out a highly recommended indy tranny shop in your area. The Tip is a ZF and these are as common a houseflies and many shops rebuild/repair them and do a good job. (The techs I talk to say often when a car comes in with a sick Tip the owner elects to have the thing rebuilt and the tech removes it, the indy tranny shop picks it up, rebuilds it, drops it off and the tech installs Tip back into the car.)

Anyhow, take your question or questions (along with pics) to an indy Tip transmission shop and see if you can get your questions answered.
5 HP 19s, 24s are known to blow that seal with age or being operated near their torque peak in Audis.

Updated seal is supposedly much better.

In any event, specialist techs should be familiar. Not necessarily Porsche techs



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