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Products for your Boxster, Cayman and Carrera.
I was looking out my kitchen window this morning and spotted what looked like the Boxster Concept car. I grabbed my phone and took a rather crappy picture. Is there a kit for this? The fenders, bumper and hood are definitely not stock. and I didn't see ANY side vents, but I only caught a quick glimpse. Can anybody identify this car?
Definitely not any relation to a Boxster. Looks like it's likely front engined as fuel filler and thus tank is in the back. Looks like a black material cover for the top.

I'm guessing kit car of some sort.
Ding Ding, I think we have a winner. I'll keep my eyes open and see if I see it around town again.
You're right though....it does look a bit from your pic like the Boxster concept. I also think the front is a bit comical...like the face/mouth of Sally in the Cars movie. It's an interesting car.
That is a nice looking car and it sounds like they're pretty fast. I never heard of them but I like it, I read 2014 was the last year of production. I bet they're expensive, I'll have to check that out. They are expensive, I read around 100K new. This one was the cheapest I found and it's sold.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/19/2015 07:33PM by joecal. (view changes)
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