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Message: Re: 03S crank failure

Changed By: Capt Ron
Change Date: September 26, 2011 01:02PM

Re: 03S crank failure
Crank Failure? What was going on at the time the engine quit?

[quote]Porsche dealer is saying that it is better to replace the engine than try and fix what is guessed at the failure.[/quote]

Since they don't know for sure, might this be a case of the malady that dare not speak it's its name?

Original Message

Author: Capt Ron
Date: September 26, 2011 01:01PM

Re: 03S crank failure
Crank Failure? What was going on at the time the engine quit?

[quote]Porsche dealer is saying that it is better to replace the engine than try and fix what is guessed at the failure.[/quote]

Since they don't know for sure, might this be a case of the malady that dare not speak it's name?