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Message: Re: european delivery payment questions

Changed By: frogster
Change Date: April 22, 2012 08:41PM

Re: european delivery payment questions
it's fairly easy to import cars with n. american specs into switzerland. you just have to make a few mods (speedo if it's in MPH, some lights, etc.) but they're easy to do. Mostly just swapping those parts.
The authorities aren't as much of a pain in the arse as they are here.

so the question remains; i order/buy the car in n. america. i pick it up at the factory. i drive into switzerland and register it there instead of delivering it back to porsche to ship to the US. how can porsche stop me from doing this?

Original Message

Author: frogster
Date: April 22, 2012 08:34PM

Re: european delivery payment questions
it's fairly easy to import cars with n. american specs into switzerland. you just have to make a few mods (speedo if it's in MPH, some lights, etc.) but they're easy to do. Mostly just swapping those parts.
The authorities aren't as much of a pain in the arse as they are here.