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Message: Re: Whistling from gas cap area

Changed By: Thierry, Quebec City, Canada
Change Date: May 22, 2012 09:01AM

Re: Whistling from gas cap area
I had that problem 2 years ago and found the solution. If you want to see if your problem is the same I got, do the following test: Open the gaz door. Look at the right side of the door when open. There is a hole. Cover it with a piece of tape and go for a road test. If the noise as disappeared, the problem is related to one or both shutoff valves that are exhausting through that hole. Follow Copy & paste the link below, I already explain what parts are needed (for my 2003, 986, 2.7) maybe different for your year car but the process is probably the same.
Good luck.



Original Message

Author: Thierry, Quebec City, Canada
Date: May 22, 2012 09:00AM

Re: Whistling from gas cap area
I had that problem 2 years ago and found the solution. If you want to see if your problem is the same I got, do the following test: Open the gaz door. Look at the right side of the door when open. There is a hole. Cover it with a piece of tape and go for a road test. If the noise as disappeared, the problem is related to one or both shutoff valves that are exhausting through that hole. Follow the link below, I already explain what parts are needed (for my 2003, 986, 2.7) maybe different for your year car but the process is probably the same.
Good luck.

