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Message: You're not color blind, I just prattle on about such things.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: June 30, 2012 05:52PM

You're not color blind, I just prattle on about such things.
My dealer has an Agate black/black that looks terrific. Your interior will best that.

And I'm already getting to like my combo a whole lot, actually wondering if it would work as well with a more hypothetical pewterish gray (Toyota has one) exterior: the neutral to cool might actually work against the Yachting Blue interior. Just did my first fill up. A real shock at 59.50, but now I [i]know[/i] there's 93 in it. The car was all to too susceptible to a bit of knocking with inadvertent partial start-offs in 3rd, before quickly downshifting. Just have to remember not to worry about hitting reverse: it's way over to the left and requires some effort to catch.
Changed By: Laz
Change Date: June 30, 2012 05:42PM

You're not color blind, I just prattle on about such things.
My dealer has an Agate black/black that looks terrific. Your interior will best that.

And I'm already getting to like my combo a whole lot, actually wondering if it would work as well with a more hypothetical pewterish gray (Toyota has one) exterior: the neutral to cool might actually work against the Yachting Blue interior. Just did my first fill up. A real shock at 59.50, but now I [i]know[/i] there's 93 in it. The car was all to susceptible to a bit of knocking with inadvertent partial start-offs in 3rd, before quickly downshifting. Just have to remember not to worry about hitting reverse: it's way over to the left and requires some effort to catch.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: June 30, 2012 05:36PM

You're not color blind, I just prattle on about such things.
My dealer has an Agate black/black that looks terrific. Your interior will best that.