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Message: front passenger seat removal

Changed By: kelrachael
Change Date: August 15, 2012 04:41PM

front passenger seat removal
Hello: I just purchased a 2005 Boxster and the previous owner left a large CD case holder under the passenger seat and from moving the seat forward and back the drive motor came disconnected from the left hand drive rail mechanism. I have been able to remove the back two torx screws from the back rail. But unable to find the two front torx screws for the front rails, I have removed the plastic cover over the front rails. The seat is stuck in the forward position. Is access to the front two torx screws from underneath the car, under the plastic cover? Any assistance will be much appreciated.

Thank you;

Original Message

Author: kelrachael
Date: August 15, 2012 04:38PM

front passenger removal
Hello: I just purchased a 2005 Boxster and the previous owner left a large CD case holder under the passenger seat and from moving the seat forward and back the drive motor came disconnected from the left hand drive rail mechanism. I have been able to remove the back two torx screws from the back rail. But unable to find the two front torx screws for the front rails, I have removed the plastic cover over the front rails. The seat is stuck in the forward position. Is access to the front two torx screws from underneath the car, under the plastic cover? Any assistance will be much appreciated.

Thank you;