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Message: not starting after long hibernation

Changed By: Steve (Morro Bay)
Change Date: November 19, 2012 01:02PM

not starting after long hibernation
I've been asked what to do with a 2002 boxster that has been in storage for two years, and which doesn't seem to start. I'm told that it cranks, but that is all. I suggested towing it to an indy or dealer and having them try to diagnose it. I think that's sound advice, but thought I would also ask for any simple suggestions here. Any ideas? Note: this wasn't a carefully planned hibernation. The gas it has is just two year old gas, and apart from removing the battery, it got no special treatment while asleep.

Original Message

Author: Steve (Morro Bay)
Date: November 19, 2012 01:01PM

not starting after long hibernation
I've been asked what to do with a 2002 boxster that has been in storage for two years, and which doesn't seem to start. I'm told that it cranks, but that is all. I suggested towing it to an indy or dealer and having them try to diagnose it. I think that's sound advice, but thought I would also ask for any simple suggestions here. Any ideas?