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Message: No indicator light...

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: May 25, 2013 09:55PM

No indicator light...
I sometimes wonder what's going on back there-- well, the LSD lsd [i]is[/i] fairly mild. I ought to "experiment" more with PSM to better isolate the PTV effects better. . Also, considering how antsy the 01 got at a much lower threshold, I really can't complain. By the way, the 01 base has a nominal 217, so the hp difference is 98. Having recently driven my old car again, I had a dramatic realization of the hp and torque differences. On the new one, I've activated the "fuel economy change gear" indicator, and when in normal mode* the thing wants me to shift from 5th to 6th at less than 45 mph. That seems to kill some of the car's [i]raison d'ĂȘtre[/i], but the 3.4 motor pulls amazingly well in top gear.

* The reminder triangle icon doesn't operate in Sport mode.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: May 25, 2013 09:48PM

No indicator light...
I sometimes wonder what's going on back there-- well, the LSD [i]is[/i] fairly mild. I ought to "experiment" more with PSM to isolate the PTV effects better. Also, considering how antsy the 01 got at a much lower threshold, I really can't complain. By the way, the 01 base has a nominal 217, so the hp difference is 98. Having recently driven my old car again, I had a dramatic realization of the hp and torque differences. On the new one, I've activated the "fuel economy change gear" indicator, and when in normal mode* the thing wants me to shift from 5th to 6th at less than 45 mph. That seems to kill some of the car's [i]raison d'ĂȘtre[/i], but the 3.4 motor pulls amazingly well in top gear.

* The reminder triangle icon doesn't operate in Sport mode.