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Message: My Porsche is a dune buggy!!! An SUV!

Changed By: Bruce In Philly (2000 S Boxster, now '09 C2S)
Change Date: September 16, 2015 08:50AM

My Porsche is a dune buggy!!! An SUV!
Thought you guys would want to know what happens when you move from a Boxster to a 911; well you lose your mind.

2009 C2S 86K miles

Drive in the rain....... someone on Rennlist posted a question "do you drive your Porsche in the rain?" ahahahahahh! God that was funny.

So. One of my hobbies is photography and shooting birds. To shoot 'em, you got to get to 'em. Where are they? In the salt marshes and wetlands of New Jersey. Yes, I take my C2S there, in the sand, gravel, and yes, occasional muck. Best to get into muck in the winter with my snow tires (never so much as spun a wheel... very much).

True story: A few weeks ago, I had my indy replace my trans oil and rear control arms. To do this, he put the car on the lift and proceeds to remove the under tray. I stood and watched. As he dropped the tray, the poor guy was pelted by an avalanche of white gravel, sand, and silt!!! I felt so sorry for the guy and I apologized up and down.

When he used is air gun to remove the wheel bolts, huge puffs of dust hit him in the face.

By the way, I change my air filters probably twice to three times a year...... when I run my finger over the paper fins, bigs poofs of white shoot out. I would like to see an improvement in our cars and that is they suck in dust way too much... not good.

Drive in the rain..... hahahahahahahah.......

Below are a few pics.

Bruce in Philly


The undertray...

[url=http://mywebpages.comcast.net/brucedebonis/car/Tray2.jpg]Undertray 1[/url]
[url=http://mywebpages.comcast.net/brucedebonis/car/Tray1.jpg]Undertray 1[/url]

The map.... no roads!!!!! (Bombay Hook DE)
[url=[img]http://mywebpages.comcast.net/brucedebonis/car/Map.jpg]Lost at Bombay Hook[/url]

Shot this gal two days ago there at Bombay Hook DE
[url=[img]http://mywebpages.comcast.net/brucedebonis/car/GH1.jpg]Great Horned Owl[/url][/img]
Changed By: Bruce In Philly (2000 S Boxster, now '09 C2S)
Change Date: September 16, 2015 08:41AM

My Porsche is a dune buggy!!! An SUV!
Thought you guys would want to know what happens when you move from a Boxster to a 911; well you lose your mind.

2009 C2S 86K miles

Drive in the rain....... someone on Rennlist posted a question "do you drive your Porsche in the rain?" ahahahahahh! God that was funny.

So. One of my hobbies is photography and shooting birds. To shoot 'em, you got to get to 'em. Where are they? In the salt marshes and wetlands of New Jersey. Yes, I take my C2S there, in the sand, gravel, and yes, occasional muck. Best to get into muck in the winter with my snow tires (never so much as spun a wheel... very much).

True story: A few weeks ago, I had my indy replace my trans oil and rear control arms. To do this, he put the car on the lift and proceeds to remove the under tray. I stood and watched. As he dropped the tray, the poor guy was pelted by an avalanche of white gravel, sand, and silt!!! I felt so sorry for the guy and I apologized up and down.

When he used is air gun to remove the wheel bolts, huge puffs of dust hit him in the face.

By the way, I change my air filters probably twice to three times a year...... when I run my finger over the paper fins, bigs poofs of white shoot out. I would like to see an improvement in our cars and that is they suck in dust way too much... not good.

Drive in the rain..... hahahahahahahah.......

Below are a few pics.

Bruce in Philly


The undertray...

[url=http://mywebpages.comcast.net/brucedebonis/car/Tray2.jpghttp://]Undertray 1[/url]
[url=http://mywebpages.comcast.net/brucedebonis/car/Tray1.jpghttp://]Undertray 1[/url]

The map.... no roads!!!!! (Bombay Hook DE)
[url=http://mywebpages.comcast.net/brucedebonis/car/Map.jpg]Lost at Bombay Hook[/url]

Shot this gal two days ago there at Bombay Hook DE
[url=http://mywebpages.comcast.net/brucedebonis/car/GH1.jpghttp://]Great Horned Owl[/url]

Original Message

Author: Bruce In Philly (2000 S Boxster, now '09 C2S)
Date: September 16, 2015 08:39AM

My Porsche is a dune buggy!!! An SUV!
Thought you guys would want to know what happens when you move from a Boxster to a 911; well you lose your mind.

2009 C2S 86K miles

Drive in the rain....... someone on Rennlist posted a question "do you drive your Porsche in the rain?" ahahahahahh! God that was funny.

So. One of my hobbies is photography and shooting birds. To shoot 'em, you got to get to 'em. Where are they? In the salt marshes and wetlands of New Jersey. Yes, I take my C2S there, in the sand, gravel, and yes, occasional muck. Best to get into muck in the winter with my snow tires (never so much as spun a wheel... very much).

True story: A few weeks ago, I had my indy replace my trans oil and rear control arms. To do this, he put the car on the lift and proceeds to remove the under tray. I stood and watched. As he dropped the tray, the poor guy was pelted by an avalanche of white gravel, sand, and silt!!! I felt so sorry for the guy and I apologized up and down.

When he used is air gun to remove the wheel bolts, huge puffs of dust hit him in the face.

By the way, I change my air filters probably twice to three times a year...... when I run my finger over the paper fins, bigs poofs of white shoot out. I would like to see an improvement in our cars and that is they suck in dust way too much... not good.

Drive in the rain..... hahahahahahahah.......

Below are a few pics.

Bruce in Philly


The undertray...

[url=http://mywebpages.comcast.net/brucedebonis/car/Tray2.jpghttp://]Undertray 1[/url]
[url=http://mywebpages.comcast.net/brucedebonis/car/Tray1.jpghttp://]Undertray 1[/url]

The map.... no roads!!!!! (Bombay Hook DE)
[url=http://mywebpages.comcast.net/brucedebonis/car/Map.jpg]Lost at Bombay Hook[/url]

Shot this gal two days ago there at Bombay Hook DE
[url=http://mywebpages.comcast.net/brucedebonis/car/GH1.jpghttp://]Great Horned Owl[/url]