We welcome all fans of Porsches, especially those with the engines in the middle

PedrosBoard is a friendly, enjoyable community dedicated to the Porsche marque and its owners.
We hope that you bookmark our page. This forum will be a safe place even for your kids to browse if you ever leave your computer unattended at home.
Here you can post questions and provide answers regarding our cars, events, special gatherings, etc.
We expect that each person will be civil with everyone else and
no profanity, vulgarity, pornography, religion, politics or personal attacks will be tolerated.There are specific Forums for Cars and Parts for Sale, Events, etc. Please post in the corresponding Forums.
No commercial advertising is allowed (except for specials from our Board Sponsors from time to time).
There will be zero tolerance for SPAM. Any SPAM will be immediately deleted and the spammer will be banned from the Board.
This is a monitored forum. It is our right to delete any post that does not conform with the rules of the board.
Repeated offenses will be cause for banning the offender from this Board.
If a post gets deleted we will do our best to e-mail the person with a short explanation of why it was deleted.
DO NOT cut and paste any copyrighted photo, article or portions of any article from another site.You may post a link and/or a description of the article in your own words but not the actual text.
Please observe all Copyright laws when posting images or text!
For more information on Federal Copyright Laws, please visit: [
You are welcomed and encouraged to make suggestions to help better the board (Please use the Board Suggestions Forum for this).
Happy Porsche-ing,
Edited 8 time(s). Last edit at 03/11/2013 03:54PM by Pedro (Weston, FL).
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