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I was hoping to post a 10 second, 25.5 Mb video, but Imgur won't accept the original iPhone file, nor subsequent shortened and/or converted via iMovie files. The are grayed out in the Upload browsing panel's "suppported files" list. (Latest Macbook Air, Monterey 12.2.1, and all other apps up to date.)

Is there a comprehensible, non-kludge (remember that word?smiling smiley ) workaround? Please keep in mind I flunked out of MIT and Cal Tech. drinking smiley Tinypic's gone, and other hosting sites I'm aware of are too invasive or annoying with ads.
Should work
Boxsterra - 2 years ago
According to the Imgur help topic on this, the maximum size allowed for videos is 200 MB. If you can convert the video into one of the accepted formats, it should work.

Supported file types
  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • GIF
  • APNG
  • TIFF
  • MP4
  • MPEG
  • AVI
  • WEBM
  • quicktime
  • x-matroska
  • x-flv
  • x-msvideo
  • x-ms-wmv
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