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Thursday Early Event Plans
Karl from So. Carolina - Sunday, 20 May, 2012, at 8:46:14 am
We sent out an e-mail to our 2012 list, but realize a few may not have received it, so we're cross-posting here. E-mail us if you didn't get the e-mail sent out last evening about the Thursday Early Event.

As you know, our beloved Pedro Bonilla had a serious accident at his home on May 11th. Pedro broke 8 ribs and cracked 4 vertebrae. He's in much pain, but he's home now making a slow recovery.

In typical Pedro fashion, he was e-mailing both of us from his hospital bed at 4:00am the morning after his accident! He's been working closely with us to ensure the tech sessions are covered, and Stefan, Guenter and Maurice have stepped up. If anyone else is interested in helping at these sessions, let us know.

We're still tweaking the Saturday schedule, and we anticipate further refinements later this week.

Thursday Early Event

We'll be leaving Switzerland Inn at 9:30am and heading to the historic 1927 Lake Lure Inn along the Sugar Hill Road and Bill'sCreek Road route. This bucolic, scenic route will take is into the eastern approach to Lake Lure.

Lake Lure is approximately 720 acres, with 21 miles of shoreline. National Geographic has called Lake Lure one of the most beautiful man-made lakes in the world. Lake Lure sits in the heart of Hickory Nut Gorge. The Rocky Broad River tears its way in a series of rapids down through Hickory Nut Gap. This crystal clear water flows through a valley shaped roughly in the form of a Maltese cross to make Lake Lure.

At the Inn, you'll have the opportunity to take an hour-long boat tour of Lake Lure. Discover the beauty and charm of Lake Lure. Relax on a covered tour boats while the skipper guides us past local attractions and landmarks, such as the locations used in filming the popular movie Dirty Dancing. Listen to the legends, and learn about the natural and cultural history of Hickory Nut Gorge.

Boat tours will leave from the Marina at 11:00am and 2:00pm.

For those meeting us en route, plan on being at the 1927 Lake Lure Inn by 10:50 am if you've selected the earlier tour, and noon for the luncheon if you've selected the later tour or are not taking the tour.

For GPS purposes, the address for the 1927 Lake Lure Inn is 2771 Memorial Highway, Lake Lure, NC 28746.

We'll have a buffet luncheon at the Veranda Restaurant at the Inn from 12:15pm until 1:45pm. The menu for this luncheon is on the website. Renew old acquaintances and make new friends as you dine overlooking Lake Lure Beach, the lake behind it, and the mountains in the distance.

The Boat Marina is a short walk along a boardwalk west of the restaurant. Ample parking is available at both venues.

Before and after lunch, you can ride into Chimney Rock, a mile west of where we're eating, and see the sites.

We had initially planned an afternoon event at Chimney Rock State Park, as well as optional zip-lining, but we'll have to get back to Switzerland Inn for the 4:30 pm surprise, super-secret event. We'll have information about those missed opportunities if you want to return to that area Saturday afternoon.

The cost for the buffet luncheon is $20 per person. The cost for the boat tour is $12 per person if you tell us by this Wednesday. Otherwise, it's $15 thereafter.

An e-mail has been sent out to everyone currently on the 2012 roster.

What we need you to do now: If you're on the e-mailed list (or are not on the list but want to attend), e-mail us and confirm you're still attending the luncheon. Let us know if you want to be in the 11:00a or 1:00p boat tour (or neither one). Each boat tour is limited to 60 persons, so after one tour fills up, the overflow will go to the other tour.

We'll be collecting for the luncheon and boat tour at the event, so you won't have to mail in payment. See Mary, Nell or either of us at the event to pay.

We need solid numbers for the early event by this Wednesday, so please respond as quickly as you can. E-mail us if you have any questions.

Karl and Ron
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