Right after I picked up the car, I started pestering Porsche about the availability of the passenger airbag deactivation bar. I can't recall when it actually became available, but I finally got it (guessing after 6-9 months...late '98) and a Porsche booster seat. No need for the Porsche-specific seat, but it worked well. Then I started driving my 3 year old to/from day care a few times a week.
One day after work, almost home, stopped in a wide lane waiting for oncoming traffic to clear to make a left turn, BAM. Simple traffic situation, good conditions...just simply wasn't paying attention...the young person drove into my rear end. Just. Didn't. See. Me. Didn't slow down at all. Slow motion as I saw the car coming up fast. I can't recall what exactly I did, but I had the clutch in and got knocked ahead 50+ feet and rolled to the shoulder. I bounced back and hit the roll bar pretty hard. I'm sure I had a concussion, but had a hot poker game to get to so skipped the ride in the ambulance. The Cadillac didn't look as bad as my car, and the two girls were ok. I learned that the new driver was in her mom's Cadillac because she had just wrecked her car the week prior.
I tried to be kind at the scene, but I was hurting. And I was crushed. My baby. Right after I was hit, it hit me that often I'd be in that exact spot with my 3yo son in the car. I was simply so happy that he wasn't with me that day that the rest was a nit. I think I maintained relatively good composure.
The repair process was loooooong. 3-4 months, mostly waiting for parts. But the car was repaired well. I kicked in some cash and had the entire car repainted to repair some front end paint damage after a tire scrap hit the hood. I was confident in the quality of the repair, and the paint job was very good. The clear coat was THICK, so I can still polish the hell out of it and 20 years later it looks great.
After the accident, my level of defensive driving went into overdrive. When others were with me, even more so. I have my lights on 100% of the time. I hate sitting in traffic anywhere. I leave lots of space ahead to maneuver. I watch my mirrors. I look both ways, twice, before pulling through a green light. I have the car in gear, or ready to go in gear quickly. Don't drive in blind spots or next to others. Don't let others do that to me. So if I'm driving fast, it's just defensive positioning.

The younger sister to my 986 is BRIGHT FRIGGIN BLUE with PSE always engaged...all in an effort to let people know that my little ol' car is near.
Lots of great memories driving my kids around in the car through the years. One of my favorite memories was dropping my son off at school. Top down, having pulled over at the curb, a bird bombed my son and hit him on the head with a significant load. It took us a few seconds to figure out what happened, then we both started cracking up. Good times.
What do these stories have to do with 10 years of Pedros Board? Just reliving the stories that were shared over the years with others. The PEOPLE on this forum have been a great addition to the Boxster ownership experience, and all of the fun and frustration that may come with it.