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Power Steering Fluid Change
bar10dah - Thursday, 6 October, 2011, at 9:05:53 pm
Pedro, or anyone else that archived it. I hear there was a DIY on the old board on how to change the power steering fluid. Any chance someone has those instructions saved?
i think the archives are still up.
grant - Thursday, 6 October, 2011, at 10:07:12 pm
why change it?
Re: i think the archives are still up.
bar10dah - Friday, 7 October, 2011, at 9:10:58 am
When I was topping off, I accidentally overfilled. So I used a plastic medicine syringe and removed fluid until it was about halfway on the dipstick (the engine was hot, but the fluid going in was cold, so I went between the hot/cold markings on the dipstick). When I was pulling fluid out, it appeared to be brown. Should it be? The Pentosin I was putting in appeared purple.
I dont know about the color, sorry. *NM*
grant - Saturday, 8 October, 2011, at 8:42:20 am
not a "how to", but oyu might find this useful
grant - Saturday, 8 October, 2011, at 8:47:33 pm

Changing old fluids is never a bad idea, so long as you use the right fluid and get it full, bled and tightly closed.

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